Katelyn's guide to supplements, Quantum concepts and must-haves for a smooth pregnancy experience

A guide of what I feel are the most important things I've been doing for my first pregnancy, from a Quantum approach. 

I've gone through this pregnancy without nausea/morning sickness, pain-free, feeling amazing and want to share everything that I feel was supportive and beneficial with you! As women we were MADE to have babies- I don't believe that we were made to struggle through pregnancy and feel miserable! 

I don't believe that pregnancy should be difficult, full of symptoms and something women dread!

I've gotten SO many questions in my DMs about what I'm taking, what I'm doing, my opinions etc surrounding pregnancy. So I put together a guide for you!

These are the main supplements and modalities and practices that I have PERSONALLY been choosing to incorporate, and what I feel have helped me tremendously. This is in no way an exhaustive list of things that I believe every mother HAS to do. Take what you want from it- use critical thinking skills and common sense, and of course, PLEASE consult your health care provider with any concerns or medical needs.

I am choosing a wild pregnancy, I am choosing to be my own health care provider, and I am choosing a FREE BIRTH. So this is all coming from my very unique perspective and is in no way medical advice or what I believe is right for every single woman. I have spent YEARS learning to listen to my body, to listen to God, and to listen to my intuition.... so a lot of what I do comes from what I believe to be Divine direction. It is up to YOU to learn to listen to your own body, to the voice of God, to your own intuition, and of course to common sense.

If the case arose where I felt I needed medical attention, I of course would seek that out- as I would hope you would as well.

As my pregnancy continues, and if things change, and even after birth I will plan to update this guide if needed.

I hope that this blesses you.🩵

Much love,


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  Katelyn's Quantum Pregnancy Guide
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